Everybody wants to pass their driving test without any hassle. We are going to tell you the most valuable tips so you can pass your driving test easily in 2020.
1.Eat two bananas before the test. This will give a good boost to your mental battery level and your attention level too, might be already told you by your local driving instructor.
2. Prepare for the worst,hope for the best on road during your driving test.
3.Before every time move off, make a thorough 360 degree check,from kerb to road side,mostly left to right,unless you are moving off from right side of the road after finishing Right reverse manoeuvre.
4.After 360 degree check, the moments before you move off,have final check over your blind spot,right or left shoulder,depending which side of the road you moving off from,as you were learning in your intensive driving courses.
5.As soon you move off,first thing to check is interior mirror.
6.Keep checking interior mirror every 3 seconds,except at the time of emergency brake,as you learnt in your driving lessons watford.
7.Make sure you leave one metre space from left kerb or left parked vehicles.
8.Use gear one at emerging on close junctions,at snail pace.
9.Deal meeting vehicles with good planning ahead.
10. Make good use of speed,if its 30 mph and no one is ahead of you, you must drive 28 mph,otherwise examiner will mark you for slow driving.